Update 3/31

Hello Everyone,

I figured it’s about time I check in and see how everyone is doing. I know this has been an incredibly tough time all around, and I hope you all are making it through alright, ( or as best as can be expected when the rug has been pulled out from under us).

I am assuming you’ve seen the PPS emails as well as Mrs. Kosmala’s updates, explaining that we will indeed be proceeding with an online version of class starting next week.

Of course this will look incredibly different then the school day that we are used to, but we are excited to be able to get back to it, and provide even the smallest bit of normalcy for the kids. The district does plan on providing us teachers with curriculum that they would like us to use, but I also plan on finishing up a few things we started as a class as well as continuing on with some of the assignments that are unique to my class.

As of now we are still working on how that will look for each of us individual teachers and will be sure to keep you updated. For me I will being doing the majority of my communication through google classroom, so students will want to be checking in there a few times a week to be sure they are up-to-date. In fact, I have just posted a message for them and their first online assignment, so I encourage them to head over there and check it out!

I recognize that this is certainly NOT ideal, I wish I could do more to help and support, and that we could all be back together in the classroom, however, for that we will have to wait. So for now, please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments or concerns, and will help as best I can. I also plan on having “office hours” where we can chat as a group on google meet once of twice a week.

Thank you so much, and may the force be with you 😉

Mrs. Jangula

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